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The Magical Herb
      Written by Meg Tanner


Garlic is definitely worth more than it's weight in gold, with uses superceding that of "warding off vampires", and giving a fabulous taste to meals!

Having more recently received scientific and medical approval, garlic has been the favorite herbal remedy for the past 5000 years. It has been extensively tested by the German Commission E, ESCOP and The World Health Organization, and has been proven to aid the following ailments:

· Acne
· Asthma
· Arthritis
· Colds
· High blood pressure
· Bowel disorders
· Bronchitis
· Digestive problems
· Heart problems
· Kidney complaints
· Limiting the side affects of chemotherapy in cancer patients
· Rheumatism
· Insect bites
· Sinus problems
· Tension
· Toothache
· Warts

Garlic is also a very strong immune system booster and an excellent anti-inflammatory and a natural antibiotic.

As mentioned in the ailment list, garlic does wonders for digestive problems-as it is proven to increase the secretion of bile. It also reduces pain relating to a spastic colon, acting as an antispasmodic. Garlic has been noted not to destroy or harm the normal balance of intestinal flora, so it works well in healing digestive tract infections such as thrush.

The primary objective of a significant number of clinical trials conducted on garlic has been it's ability to regulate blood lipid (fat) levels. Garlic has had an 80% success rate in decreasing the cholesterol that causes the thickening of the arteries, and specialists have claimed that it causes blood vessels to widen, so reducing the blood pressure inside them!

I was told a story by actress Barbara Babcock that when she was in Kenya 20 years ago (before medical scientists researched the healing powers of garlic), she developed a bad throat infection with swollen glands, which became progressively worse over three days.

The tribal "medicine man" told her to place a clove of garlic in both ears before she went to sleep. Skeptically she placed one clove in her right ear, not believing it would do anything. The following morning the right side of her throat was free from pain and the swelling had dissipated, whereas the left side remained swollen and painful! Apparently the clove of garlic in the ear warmed up with the natural body heat and the secreted oil dripped down into the Eustachian tube working as an antibiotic and an anti-inflammatory.

The recommended daily doses of garlic are as follows:

· For optimum health and a strong immune system take one garlic capsule or one garlic clove three times a day.
· During infections and colds take one capsule or one clove every three hours to destroy viruses and bacteria
· For bad coughs and bronchitis-make a natural tried and tested cough syrup (garlic is a fantastic expectorant). Pour 500ml of boiling water over 50g of crushed or finely chopped garlic into a sealed dish and leave to stand for ten hours, then add two tablespoons of honey and a touch more boiled water, until a syrupy consistency is formed. Take a teaspoonful every four hours!


·Look for a good garlic capsule from a reputable herb and health store
· If you choose to take a real garlic clove have a large sprig of parsley straight afterwards, you don't want to be warding off all vampires-let's not forget the likes of Brad Pitt!
· Garlic is great to protect the sensitive stomach and it works well when flying abroad-so up your dose when traveling, it will help you to acclimatize!
· It is advised not to take garlic while pregnant and breast-feeding as it may cause the baby to have colic.
· Try garlic before pharmaceutical drugs and antibiotics- it has 5000 years of magical healing success rates to back it up! Enjoy life to the fullest, create your own optimum health, and don't forget the parsley!

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