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Spiritual Cross-Training

Julie Zeitlin


 For the past several months, I've been doing things a little differently. I've been thinking about spontaneity, and I have been spontaneous. Turning left when I intended to turn right, saying " maybe" instead of no. Doing unusual things, asking what if, and exploring it.

Like athletes that engage in cross-training exercise for the greatest overall muscle strength and endurance, I've been attempting to exercise all of my possibilities as a human being.

Have you noticed that when you do the same workout over and over, after a while you stop feeling the burn? This happens because your muscles have become conditioned to your routine . because it is routine.

Sometimes it is our " spirit" that can loose " the burn" because of routine.

When it comes to our bodies, if we alter our usual routine and add a different exercise or activity, we feel a new sensation and muscles ache that we didn't even know we had! As with our muscles, when we use them they get stronger and we feel better, the same goes for our emotional and mental well being.

"Spiritual cross-training" is the process of exercising spiritual, mental, and emotional muscles we don' t know we have. The cause and the effect are
both creativity.

"If a living thing isn't growing, it's dying." a saying that stuck with me. It's simple, creativity is life itself. In every moment that we are alive, we are
creative without even trying. Imagine what could happen if we did try!

Here are a few ways to shake things up:

PHYSICAL -things we can do physically that take us out of our routine:

Fix Something Yourself. If you're like me, you ask for help with everything. Instead, pick one thing, and try it yourself. Get the manual, take it apart. Be
willing to break it. Spend the 10 minutes, one hour, or several days. Even if you don't fix it, you will know a lot more about that item and you will
and it easier to fix other things in the future. ( A fun first cousin to this is "Become An Expert At Something. . Anything, , the composition of human skin; how tornadoes form; how eyeglasses are made. )

Flirt First. Many of us hang back when we spot a potential romantic interest, to first determine whether the curiosity is mutual. This is especially true for
women . it . s an inheritance as old as the hills . but men do it too. Just go for it! Don't wait! Walk right up and lay it on 'em. Don't worry about the game.
Keep in mind, this is not advice for the lovelorn. Nor is this about whether you get the guy or girl. This is about having a new tool at your disposal, about
stretching your repertoire of experience.

Shut Up. Though we all have slightly different patterns of communication, there is generally a tacit agreement among people in any given society and
situation regarding the cadence of a conversation. We know when it's "our turn." I have been trying not to respond when I normally would, and found that
the other person will usually resume talking, making their point, expounding . and they usually seem glad for the opportunity. . The beauty of it to me is
. nding out more about what that person thinks, feels, believes - who he/ she is. and being wiser for the effort. ( I already know how I feel about everything!)
Another great benefit is that your friend will really feel heard.

MENTAL/ INTELLECTUAL/ SPIRITUAL -Here are a few ideas for playing with our inner perspectives, feelings, mental habits.

Quiet the voices. Most of us experience a great deal of internal chatter during our waking days. Without realizing it, we produce a running commentary on everything from our activities to our emotions. Often these voices express criticism, doubt, fear, and shame. Try becoming aware of them and stopping them. Just experience the moment. No judgment, no thought, no observation. Just be for the sake of being. You can also try replacing the voices with a silent prayer, such as: I am exactly where I'm supposed to be, doing what I'm meant to do. The immediate benefit of this exercise is a short mental break. The ultimate benefit is greater self-awareness, lowered stress, and greater mental/ thought control.

Empathize. Next time you listen to someone talk - whoever it is - remember that just like you, they have come to this moment with an entire lifetime of experiences of their own that play an integral role in what they are saying and how they are feeling at this moment. This is especially helpful in dealing with dif . cult people, but it . s an interesting exercise in any event. It fosters empathy, compassion, understanding, and ultimately, peace of mind.

Be New. Imagine that you did not exist before this moment. You were born today, a fully grown human with all the attendant features. Who are you? Who would you be? What would you do at this moment that you . re not doing? What would you do tomorrow? What job would you have? How would you treat people? How would you treat yourself? Make a list. This is a dif . cult one; it asks us to separate our pure nature, our essence...our soulful desires, from the things that have happened to us. The main advantage to this exercise: to realize that we are creative beings, free to become anyone we choose.

Try making up your own exercises. Once you begin, it's like a ball rolling down a hill. Enjoy!

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