Mythology holds great tales of magic and mystery. The stories of these gods and goddesses have been told for thousands of years and usually there is some truth at their core. The embellishment given by each teller has compounded over time, but most often the profound meaning or moral remains. One of my favorites is that of Isis and her love Osiris.

"In the beginning there was Isis, oldest of the old. She was goddess from whom all becoming arose…"

Isis was born the child of Iyut the Shy Goddess and Geb the Earth Farther. She had a twin sister named Nepthys and two brothers Osiris and Seth.

Traditionally, Deities and Pharaohs in ancient Egypt would marry their siblings; Isis and Osiris were no exception. They were married and became known as the ultimate God and Goddess.

Their brother Seth was jealous and a bit on the evil side. It was not long before he plotted to destroy Osiris. He succeeded with his brother's death, but when Isis became aware of this, she used her magical powers on her beloved and by flapping her arms or "wings" she was able to restore his life.

Seth was not deterred and soon made a second attack. This time he chopped Osiris into pieces and threw them into the Nile. Once again, Isis came to the rescue. She gathered the pieces and reassembled them, but the penis was missing!

Again, with her magical powers and creativity, she replaced the missing appendage with one made of gold. She was then able to revive him. Once united, she and Osiris conceived a child. A son. His name was Horus the Sun God.

Ah the good old days.

© Melt Magazine 2001