alm reading has been around for centuries. It spans across many cultures and is probably the most widely known method of fortune telling.

It is true, palmistry can be extremely complicated and it can take some time before becoming fully in tune to all nuances of the hand. However, there are some basics, which can introduce you to this art that are easy to understand and become familiar with.

The more intuitive you are, the more you will be able see in the palms you are reading, but by learning the various hand shapes, mounts and lines you will have the tools to begin this fascinating and fun way of reading into someone's character.

Some etiquette should be considered before reading someone else's palm. You should be careful of how and what you say. For example, if someone has a short lifeline, you should be careful not say they will die soon, as it may not even be the case, if the line is strong. Also, it is better to concentrate on the positive aspects of the hand if there are indications of poor health and offer that they consider a healthy diet and exercise.

First, there are four basic shapes to the hands

The earth hand the palm is square and the fingers are short. This indicates that the person is practical, reliable, matter of fact and full of common sense. People with earth hands usually like jobs that involve using them.

The fire hand has a long palm and short fingers. People with this palm have high energy, can be impulsive and daring.

The Air hand, the palm is square and the fingers are long. A person with an air hand is usually highly intelligent and highly inquisitive. Knowledge is important to them and they are very independent.

The water hand has a long palm and long fingers. Sometimes the skin is damp and soft. These people are emotional and sensitive and are easily influenced by both people and their surroundings.

Next the mounts of the hand.

Venus located at the base of the thumb. It indicates someone's vitality, sensuality and appreciation of beauty. A high mount that is well developed suggests the person has a strong sex drive and lots of physical energy. A under developed or flabby mount shows someone who lacks vitality and may suffer from poor health, low sex drive and may have difficulty expressing their emotions.

Jupiter, this mount sits at the base of the index finger. This indicates the ambition and the desire for success. If the mount is very large this could be taken to the extreme, if the mount is small it indicates a lack of confidence.

Saturn is at the base of the middle finger. If the mount is very pronounced, this indicates the person is studious and serious. The person could also be a pessimist. If it is well shaped the person enjoys hard work and solitude. If the mount is non existent, the person could be frivolous.

Apollo is located at the base of the ring finger. If it is well shaped it indicates creative talents. The person is also generous and expansive. If it is very large, the person is one who enjoys being the center of attention.

Mercury is located at the base of the little finger. This must be considered in relation to the rest of the hand and headline. If the hand is positive and the headline is strong then the person is quick thinking and full of wit. If the hand is negative and the headline is weak, this indicates sarcasm and lack of concentration.

Luna, This mount is located at the outer edge of the hand above the wrist. The flatter the mount the more realistic the person is. If the mount is very plump the person is idealistic and could have a tenuous grasp of reality.

Then there are the lines of the hands.

The life line is located around the mount of Venus, usually beginning between the thumb and index finger. This line shows the pattern of the person's life, strength, health and vitality. A strong line with a nice color, without a lot of breaks indicates a strong healthy life. If there is a major break it usually indicates a major change in the person life, an accident or traumatic experience. A faint weak line with lots of cross lines can indicate poor health or lack of energy. A short line does not necessarily mean a short life. If the line is clearly marked and strong, the person will probably live a long time.

The heart line begins under the mount of mercury and ends between the mounts of Saturn and Jupiter. This line indicates the emotional and physical state of the person's heart. If it is strong with few interruptions, this indicates the heart is good physical condition, but also can indicate the person is wrapped up in them selves and perhaps selfish. If the line is light and a bit weak, so would be the person's emotions. Also, the curvature needs to be considered. If the person who appears to have a selfish heart line may not if the curve is very strong.

The head line usually lies between the heart and life lines. A short head line can indicate someone who makes hasty judgements or quick decisions. A very short line is someone who may lack common sense and can be easily influenced. A long line indicates someone who can become lost in thought, but is usually good at processing a lot of information. If the line has lots of feathered lines it can mean the person has a hard time to concentrate.

The fate line is located in the center of the palm and runs up to towards the mount of Saturn. It relates to career, worldly affairs, success and failure. There are many people who don't have a fate line. This indicates the person doesn't like routine and doesn't plan many things. A strong fate line is someone who is reliable and likes routine. They have inner drive and are ambitious. If the fate line is only on the writing hand, it means the person puts a lot of energy into achieving their goals or desires. If it is only on the non-writing hand, it indicates they are more of a dreamer.

As you may already know, every hand is different and the variations are endless. As you begin, you will see this more and more. With practice though, you will learn how to adjust the information you have to work with each individual.

Remember true palmistry is very detailed, if you are considering a career in palm reading you would probably need to study further, but for now you are ready to have fun with your friends and family.

© Melt Magazine 2001