People call in a feng shui practitioner for a variety of reasons. One of those is to see if there is anything about the house which can be changed or enhanced in order to attract romance. The unseen energies which circulate within our homes can expand, contract, repel, and influence even our personal lives. There is always a unique relationship between a person and their home and a secret feng shui remedy for attracting romance utilizes this knowledge.

Based on a woman's Chinese Zodiac sign, there will be a location within her home where she can place a vase of water (flowers optional) to attract a romantic encounter. The rules for this remedy are as follows:

1. Replace the water in the vase every 5-7 days; don't let the water get stagnant or murky.

2. Choose a color for the vase that is suggested for the direction which will be given.

3. Use a vase which can hold at least a quart of water.

4. Only use this remedy if you are a single woman. It is not appropriate for women who already have boyfriends or husbands because it can attract someone else who would challenge or undermine the existing the relationship!

The twelve Chinese zodiac signs are grouped into four categories associated with the cardinal directions. You will need to use a compass to determine what direction your house or apartment faces and then find the appropriate location within your home to put your vase of water.

TIGER, HORSE, DOG-Place a blue or green vase in the East part of your home.
MONKEY, RAT, DRAGON-Place a white, silver or gold vase in the West part of your home.
PIG, RABBIT, SHEEP-Place a black or blue vase in the North part of your home.
SNAKE, ROOSTER, OX-Place a green or red vase in the South part of your home.

How to know what zodiac sign you are: Look at the chart below. If you were born between January 1st and February 4th, then you must look at the previous year to determine your sign. As an example, if you were born January 12, 1962 you would refer to 1961 and the sign of the OX.

1950 TIGER 1951 RABBIT 1952 DRAGON 1953 SNAKE

1954 HORSE 1955 SHEEP 1956 MONKEY 1957 ROOSTER

1958 DOG 1959 PIG 1960 RAT 1961 OX

1962 TIGER 1963 RABBIT 1964 DRAGON 1965 SNAKE

1966 HORSE 1967 SHEEP 1968 MONKEY 1969 ROOSTER

1970 DOG 1971 PIG 1972 RAT 1973 OX

1974 TIGER 1975 RABBIT 1976 DRAGON 1977 SNAKE

1978 HORSE 1979 SHEEP 1980 MONKEY 1981 ROOSTER

1982 DOG 1983 PIG 1984 RAT 1985 OX

1986 TIGER 1987 RABBIT 1988 DRAGON 1989 SNAKE

Let's say you were born in the year of the SNAKE and your Romance Remedy direction is South. Next you do a compass reading of your home. If it happens to face North, then the back middle part of your house is the south quadrant. If your house faces East, then you will find the South quadrant to be on the left hand side of the house when facing the house. You need to be very precise in doing your compass reading. You may even want to stand with a compass in the middle of your home and walk a straight line to the direction which is your Romance Remedy direction. North means 0 degrees, East means 90 degrees, South is 180 degrees, and West is 270 degrees.

If you discover that your Romance Remedy direction is not a practical or usable space to place a vase of water (like in a closet or outside on a patio), then you can use the correct direction within your bedroom as a back-up choice.

This Romance Remedy is powerful, but it doesn't guarantee quality. It will only jump-start quantity. You still have to decide if the man who enters your life is good for you or not.

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