Abuse that Clings

The surge of love that finds your soul
    glancing touch, indifferent voice
When this wretched thing is your one goal
    Can light your heart and birth your joys

You love, are tied by things unseen
    those shackling, endorphined echoed hopes
That live to breed in mind made dreams
    rescinding life and all your scope

You love, unable to retrain
    your mind by recognizing the source of pain
You love in prisoned time drawn long
    unabled, needy, reason gone.

You love and hope, believe, have faith
    remake the past for someones sake
The someone, source of life's own light
    the one who curses you to endless night

Abusive loving that distains
To let you live among the sane.

The Shores of Time

Oceanic thoughts that harbor, loom,
    encompassing all of life's first womb

Remember shards of time worn dreams
    that, abandoned still stretch our seams

Remanded into wakeful nights
    born in shadows, lost in light

Still abide the wind ward waves
    that bear the print that steals and saves

A print of cyclic, mind touched means
    that partially known is still unseen

A part, not whole is what we find
    scored by body, soul and mind

The shores of time that rivet thought
    subsumed within divided Nots

The matrixed coming into being
    of land locked hopes and things unseen

Ocean, deeply laid and scarsely known
    Ocean, first cradle, womb and home

Ocean, filled with life in light embrace
    Ocean, forgive this, our disgrace

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