The night air was warm and the breeze smelled of burning embers. The scent brought a certain desire to the air, a desire for adventure, a desire for lust, a desire for love, a desire to desire. The life of some seemed to have lost that hunger. However, this was a night to feed.

         The village was still awake and many walk about, to feel the energy of the night, of this strange night. As the sparse clouds passed by the full moon it illuminated and cast shadows from the stone buildings onto the dirt roads. The fountain sparkled, as it reflected back the universe of stars bound within its cobbled walls.

         It is believed that two souls in search for each other could wander an eternity and miss each other by a second of time. This night held that time.

         His armor had seen many battles. It bared the scratches and dents of his past. Each the evidence of the tale that went with it. It still had shine and the mix of mesh and leather accented his powerful physique.

         Some say he road into town to flee from some sort of corrupt deed he did in the last village. Others say he road in to town because he wanted to fight for what was rightfully his. But one woman knew he came to fill his destiny.

         It would not be long after that the others would arrive. He knew of this, he knew them. He knew they were the ones with black souls, caring nothing of who they hurt, who they stole from, or who they left for dead. It was they, who used the energy of the night for evil deeds.

         The castle was lonely this night. It too was filled with a kind restlessness, a need, a hunger. She felt something inside her, something pulling her, drawing her into the night. She left the castle to stroll in hopes of satisfying the restlessness she felt.

         His shoulder laid against the stone wall, his head was turning about to look behind him. He was keeping an eye out for dark ones, for he knew what they had come here for. Like all the villages before this one. Like his village.

         She knew something was not right. She could feel the dark presence as well. She was going to return to the castle. She thought for a moment and was ready to turn back...but she waited, hesitated, there was something, someone... At that moment, he came around the corner. His eyes met hers.

         This was the moment that stopped time. For this moment nothing else existed, just the two them.. He looked at her and felt a hunger, a burning desire he had not felt before. The wind blew her gown tightly against her body, the moonlight light her silhouette and her breast showed the desire she felt for him.. As she looked at him, she could see she brought his manliness to life. She felt a serge of energy. Her heart was pulsating. It seemed to carry an echo through out her body.

      Passion flowed strongly through the air and held them tight in its grip. It was only a moment, but it seem to last an eternity. They basked in the moment, let it bath them completely. For they knew, they had never felt intensity such as this before. They embraced it and longed to embrace each other. To feel the touch of the other was a thought that seemed too intense to bear, but they could think of nothing else.

      Suddenly a noise shot from the other side of the castle. The battle had begun. It was now time for him to defend his name and to keep the dark ones from hurting anymore. And it was time for the queen to do her duty, to take care of her village, her country.

      They turned away and turned back for one more glance, one more look. They knew this would be their last.

Ree M. Kotol

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