Welcome to MelT Magazine!

Melt Magazine for women is the alternative answer to the content currently available for women in magazines. Melt's material is diverse. Through this diverse content, we celebrate and honor the diversity of women.

Melt offers a forum for women that promotes distinctiveness of character and supplies a product for enjoyment without focusing on the physical aspect of women, but rather on ways to enhance the body, mind and soul, the character and the spirit. The reader will encounter articles that inform, inspire, and empower. Our unique approach allows women to feel free from...and encourages them to step out of the norm. Through its diversity of material, Melt induces women to explore new realms within themselves, as well as in the surrounding universe.

The articles are not the only distinguishing factor for Melt Magazine; the web designs, featured art, and photography all contribute to its singular charm. The web design makes viewing Melt an aesthetically pleasing experience, while the featured artwork, aesthetic as well, represents the ingenuity and creativity harbored by our contributors and readers. The photography of Melt is artistically appealing and sets the precedence for advertisers. It allows the reader to see the male form integrated unobtrusively throughout the pages and sets a new standard that is not currently found in women's magazines.

Happy browsing!
Melanie Tooker

© MelT Magazine 2009